Wellspring Mural

In Kensington, Connecticut, Wellspring Church commissioned a mural that would inspire its congregation to understand and take part in its mission. The hand of Christ reaches in and changes the very nature of the soil. He sows seeds, alluding to the parable of the sower, which take root in fertile ground. However, to ensure a […]
Nelson Hall Mural

Rather than sitting still and waiting out the pandemic, Elim Park forged ahead, creating new forms of entertainment for the residents. Nelson Hall Theatre has always been a cultural hub for Elim Park. To celebrate that, I was commissioned to create a mural around the entryway to the theatre that celebrates all the ways Nelson […]
Klingberg Mural

Klingberg Family Centers has the most extensive archives on orphan life in America, including photography, films, diaries, letters, and hours of interviews with former residents. When Klingberg Family Centers decided to create a museum about its history as an orphanage, I was asked to create two wall murals to tell that unique and moving story. […]
Elim Park 2020 Annual Report

“Better. Closer. Stronger.” was the theme for this Elim Park Annual Report. Early on, the idea came to me to create three converging circles, framing imagery that represented the theme. One of those happy accidents was that the circles’ intersection is the same shape as the palm fronds on the logo. While it took more […]
Bread for Life 2020 Impact Report

Southington Bread for Life does an extraordinary job of caring for the food insecure in our town. They faced incredible challenges in 2020, having to rethink everything they did to continue to feed the increasing number of hungry people in Southington. In designing their Impact Report for 2020, I created the theme “Bearing Fruit in […]
Nelson Hall 2019 – 2020

Half the fun of designing for Nelson Hall is finding a typeface that’s strong and versatile enough to work on posters, ads, and brochures. It also needs to work with both long and short titles. I thought I would miss working with Bureau Grotesque Compressed from the previous year. However, Carrington proved to be a […]
Elim Park 2019 Annual Report

“Welcome to What’s Next” was the theme used in all advertising and communications during 2019. Continuing with the circle elements from the 2018 report, I added arrows throughout the report to emphasize the idea of advancing. The document supports the conviction that Elim Park never rests on its past successes but believes that it must […]
Bread for Life 2019 Annual Report

Celebrating their 35th anniversary, BFL wanted to communicate, through many individual stories, the many ways they are building on a great foundation. Originally intending to print the report, it was decided that resources could be better spent on adapting to the many changes that the pandemic brought about. The finished piece was distributed to all […]
Nelson Hall 2018 – 2019

The brochure for the 2018-2019 season received a design award from GDUSA, and many of the performers asked if they could keep copies of the posters. The bold font treatment made the titles just as much a design element as the imagery.
Elim Park 2018 CE&Q Report

A new CEO opened the prospect for new opportunities for Elim Park. “Vibrant” was the word I kept hearing in meetings with the marketing department. The cover carries a bold statement and rich hues, introducing the reader to a dance of circles and color, expressing enthusiasm for the future.