Nelson Hall 2019 – 2020
Half the fun of designing for Nelson Hall is finding a typeface that’s strong and versatile enough to work on posters, ads, and brochures. It also needs to work with both long and short titles. I thought I would miss working with Bureau Grotesque Compressed from the previous year. However, Carrington proved to be a […]
Nelson Hall 2018 – 2019
The brochure for the 2018-2019 season received a design award from GDUSA, and many of the performers asked if they could keep copies of the posters. The bold font treatment made the titles just as much a design element as the imagery.
Nelson Hall 2017 – 2018
Anniversaries are significant and often encourage a review of the past as well as excitement for the future. I decided to go the extra mile, creating a 3D model of a theatre marquee, reorganizing the season brochure to be easier to follow, and creating a consistent look for posters and advertising. The audience reacted very […]